Here in Scotland New Year's Eve is a pretty big deal. Edinburgh is supposed to have one of the best celebrations. For a while when I found out I was headed for Scotland I thought about trying to make it to the city. In the end I'm glad that I didn't. I spent the night here at the Dell with Ross, Polly, Kev, and Eevee (she probably doesn't spell it like the Pokemon). Ross called me and invited me up to the fire pit to toast marshmallows with he and Harris (his 3 year old son). I think that was my first and last toasted marshmallow of 2014, I'll work on that in 2015. Afterwards we'd head back to the house and we'd ease into the festive drinking. I'd learn that Scotland can actually make good cider. Snacking was started and my short visit turned into a lengthy one. Soon Kev and Eevee arrived. Kev I had met at the Andy Nisbet talk.
Eventually after extended snacking (I tried black pudding for the first and maybe last time) the festivities would move outside. Around a fire everyone chatted and drank counting down the time to the new year. It seems that the custom is to shout when the clock hits 12:00. We held in our shouting a bit as the children were in the house sleeping. A new tradition was introduced and I was invited to join in. We'd all write something to embrace from the past year, something to work to put behind us, and something to look forward to in the new year. Once written down our slips of paper were thrown into the fire. As the paper burned away I focused on the present and forgot about the past and the future. Time escaped my comprehension and the next thing I knew it was 5 AM while Ross and I stood outside. I'd later wake up on the couch wondering why it was light outside and 10:00 AM. This is how I missed my first day of work.
Luckily the folks over at the Lazy Duck were understanding. My first day of the new year was spent reminding myself how important recovery is. And water and greasy eggs with onion and garlic. The Dark Knight was playing and as I watched it I thought about the previous night and what it meant to have a "new year" in front of me. Ross told a story about how he had a talk with Harris and explained to him everything he thought Harris did well this past year and what was in store this coming year. Harris kept asking "And then? And then? And then?" I guess a lot of people do that only they're asking a different "father". Ross also told us that to Harris everything in the past is yesterday and everything in the future is Tuesday. Fantastic.
Anyway, there I was. The Dark Knight playing, steamy eggs with onion and garlic and hot sauce, wondering about Tuesday and asking myself "and then?" What will happen in 2015? I really liked 2014. Is it possible to top such a big year? Working with my friend Reid with cycling, graduation, a wild Summer in Boone, 5 months living abroad from Iceland to Scotland. And then? I'm working on it. But as I learned while travelling, the best plan might be not having a plan. Of course I know a general direction I'd like to see myself move this year so I have a few goals.
Normally I wouldn't be one to write out or publicly share my goals. J. Cole said in one of his songs something along the lines of not sharing your dreams because then other people can't shoot them down. And I guess I see that point of view. But when I first told people that I wanted to travel I had so much support and so many people tell me to go for it. It's also like I was committed as soon as I mentioned it out loud for the first time. I'd get this rush from telling people "I'm going to travel around Europe for a while". And that turned into "I've bought my ticket to Iceland". And then there I was standing in Keflavik.
And then? Well.. I'd like to find a job. Which I've been working on. I'm not too picky and I've applied for quite a bit already, we'll see what happens. I'd like to get back on the bike. When I left my bikes behind I left a part of me behind and in all my travelling nothing has quite filled that gap. Not a day has gone by that I haven't thought about it. While I'm still young and capable of making my body do dumb stuff I'd like to push myself. And finally, I'd like to pursue something to do with writing. Many of you all have told me that you like my rambling and I'm incredibly grateful for that. It has inspired me to keep it up and think about having it as part of my future.
From this past year I'll always remember the kindness of others. The people that have taken me in and helped me make it as far as I have. The ones that unexpectedly entered my life and gave me memories I'll never forget. And the ones back home that have always supported me in this odd adventure. I know it's not over yet, I've still got four weeks here in Scotland. So please, friends and family, don't give up the support quite yet. But thanks for everything you've done to get me to where I am. You all made 2014 an unforgettable year.
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At least I'll be easy to find in the airport. |
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